January 10th, 2023:

Wisconsin State (TG 3155) has now been added to all linked repeaters on TS 1 as PTT to activate.

MN Metro (TG 31272) has been added to all linked repeaters on TS 2 as Static.

MN TAC (TG 31270) has been added to Faribualt  on TS 2 as Static.

W0REA - White Bear Lake, MN Talkgroup Listing - 312733 - 147.390Mhz CC11
Time Slot Talkgroup Name Area Source INFO about TG
1 3127  Minnesota North America MNDMR/K4USD Static - Minnesota State Wide Calling TG
1 3155 WI State North America ChicagoLand PTT - Wisconsin State Wide Calling
2 31272 MN Metro North America BM Static - Metro linked repeaters
1 3777215 Comm 1   DMRX PTT
2 3777216 Comm 2   DMRX PTT
2 9 Local Repeater 9 Local   Static - Local Repeater use
2 1127 MNDMR Minnesota MNDMR Static - MNDMR linked repeaters
2 3169 Midewest Region North America DMR-MARC Static
1 3 North America North America DMR-MARC PTT
2 9998 Parrot   DMRX PTT - Audio testing
1 8951 TAC 1 NationWide DMRX PTT
2 310 TAC 310 NationWide DMRX PTT
1 311 TAC 311 NationWide DMRX PTT
2 312 TAC 312 NationWide DMRX PTT
1 13 WorldWide English WorldWide DMR-MARC PTT
1 1 WorldWide WorldWide DMR-MARC PTT

KD0YRF - Faribault, MN - 312706 - 442.175Mhz CC1
Time Slot Talkgroup Name Area Source INFO about TG
1 3127  Minnesota North America MNDMR/K4USD Static - Minnesota State Wide Calling TG
1 3155 WI State North America ChicagoLand PTT - Wisconsin State Wide Calling
2 31272 MN Metro North America BM Static - Metro linked repeaters
2 31270 MN TAC Minnesota MNTRBO Static - Used for Events
1 3777215 Comm 1   DMRX PTT
2 3777216 Comm 2   DMRX PTT
2 9 Local Repeater 9 Local   Static - Local Repeater use
2 1127 MNDMR Minnesota MNDMR Static - MNDMR linked repeaters
2 3169 Midewest Region North America DMR-MARC Static
1 3 North America North America DMR-MARC PTT
2 9998 Parrot   DMRX PTT - Audio testing
1 8951 TAC 1 NationWide DMRX PTT
2 310 TAC 310 NationWide DMRX PTT
1 311 TAC 311 NationWide DMRX PTT
2 312 TAC 312 NationWide DMRX PTT
1 13 WorldWide English WorldWide DMR-MARC PTT
1 1 WorldWide WorldWide DMR-MARC PTT

N0BVE - Buckhill in Burnsville, MN. - 311098 - 443.125Mhz CC11 (OFFLINE - LEFT MNDMR)
This repeater has left the MNDMR network as of 5/29/2023.

W0PZT - Medina, MN - 312715 - 443.200Mhz CC11 (OFFLINE)
W0PZT Repeater's connection is down as of 4/29/23.  No more info is know at this time.


K0GOI - Woodbury, MN - 312735 - 442.820Mhz CC11
Time Slot Talkgroup Name Area Source INFO about TG
1 3127  Minnesota North America MNDMR/K4USD Static - Minnesota State Wide Calling TG
1 3155 WI State North America ChicagoLand PTT - Wisconsin State Wide Calling
2 31272 MN Metro North America BM Static - Metro linked repeaters
1 3777215 Comm 1   DMRX PTT
2 3777216 Comm 2   DMRX PTT
2 9 Local Repeater 9 Local   Static - Local Repeater use
2 1127 MNDMR Minnesota MNDMR Static - MNDMR linked repeaters
2 3169 Midewest Region North America DMR-MARC Static
1 3 North America North America DMR-MARC PTT
2 9998 Parrot   DMRX PTT - Audio testing
1 8951 TAC 1 NationWide DMRX PTT
2 310 TAC 310 NationWide DMRX PTT
1 311 TAC 311 NationWide DMRX PTT
2 312 TAC 312 NationWide DMRX PTT
1 13 WorldWide English WorldWide DMR-MARC PTT
1 1 WorldWide WorldWide DMR-MARC PTT